Development lead by the Baden-Würtemberg Cooperative State University Heilbronn – DHBW
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Teacher and main course developer Alexander Jaensch talks about the idea of the course and the main topics including learning strategies, memorizing techniques, time management, how to write a CV, how to prepare for a job interview and more.
This course aims to prepare graduates of secondary educational institutions for their next step in their lives. This course is eligible for students of VET and HE institutions.
Learning material consists of: short theoretical inputs, videos, writing assignments, quizzes, common online-tests, discussion forums, references, ICT tools and informative websites.
The course covers 6 topics:
Competencies and skills
Learning theory
Learning strategies and techniques
Learning plan
Starting your professional career
Course participant and student at the DHBW Janina Politi talks about experience in the course ‘Students’ readiness’ and what kind of topics are involved in this course and how this new knowledge helps young students. She talks about how easy understandable was the course content and how she liked the way learning materials were made and presented to students.
Course participant and student at the DHBW Viola Uduola talks about experience in the course ‘Students’ readiness’. She talks about main topics and advantages of this course. She also tells about how she find this topic very useful in her daily life as a student.
Open Educational Practice (OEP) in the course ‘Students’ readiness’
Raimund Hudak talks about Open Educational Practice (OEP) in the course ‘Students’ readiness’ showing the idea to use test and forum for OEP activity.
The main idea was to use fun gaming test and integrated it into the course as a test tool. Students had to test their memory with an already existing OER . Once the students completed the test they had to discuss the tool and give their comment in prepared discussion forum of Unit 2. Raimund shows how the test looks like and what students can do in it.