The main audience of the course is vocational teachers in VET and HE, but can be useful for any teacher in other education structures. It focuses mainly on acquiring new practical skills and using of developed audiovisual materials in own work.
The course participant who has successfully passed this course has achieved the following learning outcomes:
- to acquire new IT knowledge and skills
- to prepare and use AV materials and aids
- personalize own learning environment by using of IT and the experience of colleagues from other countries in creating and using training tools
It is developed with the leadership of the Ogres Tehnikums.
Teams of collaborators led by development leaders worked on their courses to re-develope it based on the skills and competences acquired during the short-term staff training events or the on-line VOCAL courses. To introduce their courses, deveopment leaders recorded short teasers for the public to learn about the course and the method they entertained.