Development lead by the Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning – LieDM
Click here to view the course in the VOCAL moodle with guest account (no registration is needed).
Leader of the course ‘Contemporary education’ and president of LieDM Association Estela Daukšienė talks about the course ‘Contemporary Education’ – that it includes different contemporary strategies and methods of learning.
The target audience of the course is HE students (future teachers). Course helps students to choose proper learning and teaching strategy and method. Everyone can browse the course material, it’s open.
In this course Topic 3 activity „Defining proper learning methods and strategies” was chosen as Open Education Practice (OEP) activity. The activity is suggested as a reflection or summary based on theoretical part in Topic 3 – Innovative learning methods and strategies. It’s a Moodle forum question-answer type discussion, where non registered learners see the situations, if they want to provide suggestion on the issue in situation they have to self-register and provide a suggestion, when they provide a suggestion, they also see what previously commented learners have suggested.
Click to view the done activity on moodle portal.
The course was presented for 37 learners, who all were registered to the course in the Moodle platform (17 participated and 15 earned a badge for activity implementation), 5 teachers were involved in collaboratively preparing the course.