Course review of Audio visual materials in the learning process

Development lead by the Ogres Tehnikums, Latvia

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Leader and teacher of the course ‘Audio-visual materials in the learning process’ Maruta Dreimane talks about the course. The main audience of the course is vocational teachers, students in VET and HE. Learning material consists of references, literature, workshops, presentations, practical tasks, tests, training material, discussion forum etc.

The course is especially useful for teachers who don’t have a big experience in creating self-made videos. Many of teachers use videos posted on internet, but it’s really challenging (related to copyright issues) and time consuming to find a video that fits to the special lesson, therefore learning how to create their own screencast can be useful for their everyday teaching work. In the course participants learn how to create simple narrated presentations and screencasts.


Project manager Anda Bimbere talks about participation in the course ‘Audio-visual materials in the learning process’. She tried the course and admitted that she never done narrated presentation or screencast before.

Really useful for her was to learn how to add voice to the presentation. Also she admits that it would be great to create screencast including information about project meeting and share it on common space to avoid repeating herself over and over again. Positive side of OEP is that comments and information can be shared immediately and can be commented online.

You can get insight in the course here.

Course participant and teacher Evita Stumpe talks about participation in the course ‘Audio-visual materials in the learning process’ and what are the benefits from making screencast – you can use material many times during lessons and students enjoy something that’s based on technology. About OEP in the course – she admits that at the beginning she wasn’t comfortable to share her work, but after getting positive feedback and comments she became motivated.

The course participant Shraddha Christian shares her opinion about participation in the course ‘Audio-visual materials in the learning process’. After participation she knows how to develop and use AVM aids. Narrated presentation and screencast was new to her, but she thinks that she will use AVM aids in the future teaching process.

Leader and teacher of the course Maruta Dreimane describes development of the course and open educational practice.


The course included two activities as open educational practice (OEP) – Exposition and reviews of participants’ self-made works under topic ‘Screencasting’: this was open activity done using an online virtual “bulletin” board – Padlet, where participants posted their self-made works –

Other OEP activity was forum discussions under topic ‘Pros and cons of AVM in vocational education’ where participants discussed important issues regarding the creation and use of audio-visual material in the learning process –

Participants learned and mastered several audio-visual tools and programs in order to complete the course tasks. In total 42 participants registered in this course. Fully 14 participants completed the course and got the participants badge.


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